Who we are
SOFTCOLLARS it’s born from a common passion that is the Staffordshire bull terrier, so we decided to produce a high quality products for a staffordshire bull terrier lovers. All our products are made with high quality products,and are made by ourselves. From Soft collars we want to innovate new designs and work with new materials,so our goal it s introduce news and originals works. All the designs from soft collars, including the design of our trade mark are perfectly registered.
Who we are
SOFTCOLLARS it’s born from a common passion that is the Staffordshire bull terrier, so we decided to produce a high quality products for a staffordshire bull terrier lovers. All our products are made with high quality products,and are made by ourselves. From Soft collars we want to innovate new designs and work with new materials,so our goal it s introduce news and originals works. All the designs from soft collars, including the design of our trade mark are perfectly registered.
Our collars are manufactured in Barcelona, and they are made with fleece material or cotton, with a strip of nylon of high resistance and quality. These handmade collars protect the hair of our friends and it’s 100% washable. If you have a Staffordshire Bul, Terrier, Staffordshire, Staffy, Stafford Ingles… you’re in the right place to make your pet happy.
Our 110 cm strap (measure approved in Spain for holding PPP) is made of high resistance and quality nylon. The hanghook, of high resistance, is used in fittings for horses.

Choosing size
Show your passion everywhere!
Contact info
Email: info@softcollars.com